Link this to:
Can't afford Microsoft Office or don't want to use? Try out Libre Office. Libre Office is an open-source software which works like Microsoft Office. It is available in more than 30 languages and it is usable for all major operating system(Microsoft Windows, Mac OS , Ubuntu.....) and best of all, it is free to download and install.
Monday, April 11, 2011
[Info] Can't Afford Microsoft Office? Well try this....
Written by
Kang Ching
9:24 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2011
[Poll] Week 10 Poll Analysis Result !
Written by
10:42 AM
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Week 10 Poll Analysis Result :
Week 10 Poll Analysis Result :
- Yes - 5 votes (83%)
- No - 1 votes (17%)
Do you still do "internet piracy"?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
[Info] Conclusion of all information !
Written by
Leek Meng
12:49 PM
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The time past so fast, it's the final week of our blog. If you missed our posts or followed us quite lately, worries no more, I will do a conclusion of information regarding Internet Piracy. Internet Piracy means used a certain data or media files that have already created or owned by someone without any permission from the owner for their own purposes. These purposes can be related to services such as released those copyrighted products like musics, movies, softwares or games on website that available for their users to download. These are Internet Piracy.
Side effects of Internet Piracy are far more crueler than they think, for each song that illegally downloaded by the user in United States American, can be charged up to $150,000 or even face a jail time if you found out for illegally download, burning, copying, selling or even owning some pirated products, that's a very heavy punishment for a home user. Not only those law will take action regarding illegally download, your computer will be damaged too if you downloaded those pirated products that mostly contain of viruses. Some viruses may cause your computer lost data and some important personal data might be gone.
The time past so fast, it's the final week of our blog. If you missed our posts or followed us quite lately, worries no more, I will do a conclusion of information regarding Internet Piracy. Internet Piracy means used a certain data or media files that have already created or owned by someone without any permission from the owner for their own purposes. These purposes can be related to services such as released those copyrighted products like musics, movies, softwares or games on website that available for their users to download. These are Internet Piracy.
Side effects of Internet Piracy are far more crueler than they think, for each song that illegally downloaded by the user in United States American, can be charged up to $150,000 or even face a jail time if you found out for illegally download, burning, copying, selling or even owning some pirated products, that's a very heavy punishment for a home user. Not only those law will take action regarding illegally download, your computer will be damaged too if you downloaded those pirated products that mostly contain of viruses. Some viruses may cause your computer lost data and some important personal data might be gone.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
[Poll] Week 9 poll result
Written by
Kang Ching
9:07 PM
Link this on : or

Poll result on:
Do our blog give you some useful news and info?
Yes - 1 vote[33%]
Somewhat - 1 vote[33%]
Not really - 1 vote[33%]
No - 1 vote[33%]
Poll result on:
Do our blog give you some useful news and info?
Yes - 1 vote[33%]
Somewhat - 1 vote[33%]
Not really - 1 vote[33%]
No - 1 vote[33%]
Sunday, April 3, 2011
[News] Baidu's Online Library Shrinks
Written by
12:57 PM
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Not long ago , Baidu has been listed in the US Trade Representative’s notorious list of counterfeiting and piracy for both physical and online markets.
You can refer to the news here
This time , Baidu is taking action to remove millions of document from it online library platform that contain any related to piracy.
Not long ago , Baidu has been listed in the US Trade Representative’s notorious list of counterfeiting and piracy for both physical and online markets.
You can refer to the news here
This time , Baidu is taking action to remove millions of document from it online library platform that contain any related to piracy.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
[News] Internet Service Providers discuss on central blacklist body for piracy sites !
Written by
Leek Meng
12:13 PM
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On 1st April 2011, broadband firms and copyright holders discussed the creation of a new independent authority to manage a blacklist of music and firm piracy websites.
Major ISPs will filter their internet access against those blacklisted piracy sites that have been suggested by some copyright holders such the Pirate Bay, BitTorrent trackers and advertising-supported download sites under this blacklist project. They are typically hosted in those countries that United Kingdom's copyright law cannot be used to shut them down.
On 1st April 2011, broadband firms and copyright holders discussed the creation of a new independent authority to manage a blacklist of music and firm piracy websites.
Major ISPs will filter their internet access against those blacklisted piracy sites that have been suggested by some copyright holders such the Pirate Bay, BitTorrent trackers and advertising-supported download sites under this blacklist project. They are typically hosted in those countries that United Kingdom's copyright law cannot be used to shut them down.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
[Event] Winner of the crossword puzzle event
Written by
Kang Ching
10:29 PM
He just win himself a booklet of 70GSM x 50 full scape papers. Hope that the prize can help him in his study.
Mr.Billy Liew won the contest because he get all the answer correct in the fastest time.
Monday, March 28, 2011
[Poll][Info] Poll Week 8 & Open-Source Software information.
Written by
3:59 PM
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Audio has been removed by user.
[929kB , .mp3]
Hello we are from INTI college , CSC1122 internet piracy group.
Today we would like to talk about "Open-Source-Software".
Audio has been removed by user.
[929kB , .mp3]
Hello we are from INTI college , CSC1122 internet piracy group.
Today we would like to talk about "Open-Source-Software".
Saturday, March 26, 2011
[Event] Update! Crossword-puzzle Contest !
Written by
10:50 PM
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What you waiting for?
Time left not much till deadline !
Simply complete the Crossword-Puzzle
and send to
You might be the winner of this contest .
Mystery prize await you !
**Note that all answer can be found at blog.
**Hint: More hint were given !
**Tip : You can easily search for the answer based on the hint given :)
Term and Condition apply.
What you waiting for?
Time left not much till deadline !
Simply complete the Crossword-Puzzle
and send to
You might be the winner of this contest .
Mystery prize await you !
**Note that all answer can be found at blog.
**Hint: More hint were given !
**Tip : You can easily search for the answer based on the hint given :)
Term and Condition apply.
[News] United State is declining Internet Piracy
Written by
Leek Meng
12:03 PM
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According to latest research from NPD Group, United State is declining and decreasing Internet Piracy.
Internet population of United State for using a P2P file-sharing service to download music was about 28million users, which also calculated as 16% at the end of 2007 has now decreased to 16million users, which is 9% at the end of 2010. Before 2011, LimeWire was forced to shut down its file-sharing service.
According to latest research from NPD Group, United State is declining and decreasing Internet Piracy.
Internet population of United State for using a P2P file-sharing service to download music was about 28million users, which also calculated as 16% at the end of 2007 has now decreased to 16million users, which is 9% at the end of 2010. Before 2011, LimeWire was forced to shut down its file-sharing service.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
[Event] Get the crossword puzzle at here!!
Written by
Kang Ching
8:07 PM
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The long awaiting crossword puzzle contest is now begin.
The long awaiting crossword puzzle contest is now begin.
View the puzzle here :
Deadline : 27th march 2011(Sunday) before 11:59p.m.(GMT+0800)
Email to :
Announcing winner : 30th march 2011
Everyone is welcome to join this event.
Hope you enjoy the event. Good Luck.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
[Poll] Week 7 Poll Result Analysis.
Written by
10:32 AM
Link to this post :

Week 7 Poll -
Do you know what is copyright ?
Yes - [9] 100%
No - [0] 0%
Week 7 Poll -
Do you know what is copyright ?
Yes - [9] 100%
No - [0] 0%
Saturday, March 19, 2011
[Info] Download movies legally !
Written by
Leek Meng
4:46 PM
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When we shared about there are some ways to download music legally, of course there are some ways for movies as well.
A good efficient way to download movies is through a digital copy. Digital copy means a movie that stored inside a DVD format is also will be stored in a computer-friendly compressed digital format too.
When we shared about there are some ways to download music legally, of course there are some ways for movies as well.
A good efficient way to download movies is through a digital copy. Digital copy means a movie that stored inside a DVD format is also will be stored in a computer-friendly compressed digital format too.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
[News] Chinese Internet giants identified as 'notorious markets' for piracy
Written by
Kang Ching
9:51 PM
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Both of China biggest's search engine, Baidu and China's biggest e-commerce website, Taobao were identified by U.S. Trade Representative as "notorious market" linked to sales of pirated and counterfeit goods.
According to Business Week report, Baidu was link to website that sell item without copyright holder's permission. While, Taobao is being used by outside merchants to sell counterfeit items, with minimal filtering and intervention.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
[Event] Upcoming contest !
Written by
1:39 PM
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Hello all,
We would like to announce that we will be having a Crossword Puzzle contest upcoming soon.
The puzzle question will be anything that related to our tittle which is "Internet Piracy".
Hello all,
We would like to announce that we will be having a Crossword Puzzle contest upcoming soon.
The puzzle question will be anything that related to our tittle which is "Internet Piracy".
Saturday, March 12, 2011
[Poll] Week 6 Poll Result Analysis !
Written by
Leek Meng
3:08 PM
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Base on last week's poll question, we can see that 38% of our votes were from the answer "No", 37% voted for "Yes" and 25% "Not sure" about the question or the effects of Internet Piracy.
Base on last week's poll question, we can see that 38% of our votes were from the answer "No", 37% voted for "Yes" and 25% "Not sure" about the question or the effects of Internet Piracy.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
[Poll] Week 5 Poll Result Analysis
Written by
Kang Ching
8:12 PM
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Last week, a poll question on the way you think the most effective to prevent internet piracy was asked. 60% of people voted for ban all file-sharing website, 20% of people voted for enforcing the internet law and another 20% of people voted for filtering illegal distributor related in search engine and 0% of people voted for neither.
Last week, a poll question on the way you think the most effective to prevent internet piracy was asked. 60% of people voted for ban all file-sharing website, 20% of people voted for enforcing the internet law and another 20% of people voted for filtering illegal distributor related in search engine and 0% of people voted for neither.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
[News] Baidu Makes It to the Blacklist
Written by
12:28 PM
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Baidu,a famous Chinese searh engine made it to the US Trade Representative’s notorious list of counterfeiting and piracy for both physical and online markets.
Baidu,a famous Chinese searh engine made it to the US Trade Representative’s notorious list of counterfeiting and piracy for both physical and online markets.
“Piracy and counterfeiting undermine the innovation and creativity that is vital to our global competitiveness. These notorious markets not only hurt American workers and businesses, but are threats to entrepreneurs and industries around the world,”said U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
[Info] Download legally, free from piracy !!
Written by
Leek Meng
3:15 PM
Link to this posts:
Other than advice our followers on how to prevent or beware Internet Piracy, we too can guide you to a legal way of download music without getting any trouble from internet piracy case.
iLike is a website that allows you to share and make recommendations by using some websites such as Other than that, it allows you to download some top musics that located in the site for free.
Some internet users like to listen to remix songs. ccmiXter is an website that provides remix songs by users with a legal way. These are a type of musics that provide a fresh feeling of the songs. Internet users have no worries anymore on internet piracy cases.
Other than advice our followers on how to prevent or beware Internet Piracy, we too can guide you to a legal way of download music without getting any trouble from internet piracy case.
iLike is a website that allows you to share and make recommendations by using some websites such as Other than that, it allows you to download some top musics that located in the site for free.
Some internet users like to listen to remix songs. ccmiXter is an website that provides remix songs by users with a legal way. These are a type of musics that provide a fresh feeling of the songs. Internet users have no worries anymore on internet piracy cases.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
[News] The Attitude of Public Towards Internet Piracy.
Written by
Kang Ching
11:54 PM
Over the year, entertainment Industries especially movie and music industry had been making effort to sue and taking down massive file sharing site to educate the user that piracy is wrong and causes real damage. On the whole, it all don't seem to be working particularly right.
Under a study published by Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, questioned participants on morals and ethics, and included discussion on which laws they believe are socially acceptable to break. The Danish study, which ultimately concluded that moral standards are just as high as they were 10 years ago, covered issues such as tax evasion, insurance fraud, the morality gap between men and women and, to the interest of TorrentFreak readers, piracy.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
[Poll] Week 4 Poll Result Analysis.
Written by
12:49 PM

Last week poll result :
- Why did you illegal download ?
- 9 votes [82%] - Its free of charge!
- 1 votes [09%] - More convenience !
- 1 votes [09%] - Not sure / dont know whether it was illegal .
- 0 votes [00%] - No, I dun illegal download !
Total votes : 11
Saturday, February 26, 2011
[Info] Ways to prevent Internet Piracy !!
Written by
Leek Meng
7:15 PM
By now, you should know that what is internet piracy and what this thing can cause if you still doing it. But, some of you may ask: " Download is normal, we can download anytime, many website provides link to do so, how are we suppose to prevent it? " Well, there are many ways to prevent it.
An important thing to connect an internet user with website that provide illegally download is not all about the website, it is a software name peer-to-peer, as know as p2p. This software connects internet user to others without need for a central point management. Some of its programs do, provide some legal downloads; but of course, most of them are not. And yet, some of these programs may cause the computer system and NU Network in risk.
An important thing to connect an internet user with website that provide illegally download is not all about the website, it is a software name peer-to-peer, as know as p2p. This software connects internet user to others without need for a central point management. Some of its programs do, provide some legal downloads; but of course, most of them are not. And yet, some of these programs may cause the computer system and NU Network in risk.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
[News] isoHunt was sued by Record Labels, with charge up to 4million!!
Written by
Kang Ching
9:57 PM
isoHunt is once again become a target of the copyrights holders. With no less then 26 major record with one purpose that is to shut down the the popular Canadian file-sharing website. With the claimed compensation up to 4million!!
After the painful fight again the american movie industry, isoHunt may face it's end. IsoHunt founder Gary Fung and it's company was sued by the the record label that include the Sony's "Big Four", EMI, WArner and Universal.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
[News] Web piracy kill jobs.
Written by
12:54 PM
New York City, the United States largest city and its true media capital is telling citizens that "piracy doesn't work" as part of a new publicly funded antipiracy ad campaign.
This messages is to those New Yorkers citizen that illegally download music and movie without paying. Illegal downloader will "kills jobs" in the city.
The advertisement about the message appear at bus shelters, movie theaters,website and video screens found in taxicabs.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
[Poll] Week 3 Poll Result Analysis.
Written by
Leek Meng
1:32 PM
After a week of poll question "Did you illegally download before? " had been posted, we found out there are amazingly 90% who has done illegally download from website before. Only 10% still in blur case and don't understand.
As we saw, most of the internet users are not fully understand the consequences of illegally download. But past was past, we hope followers can aware of this problem in the future so that we can ensure we will be safe from any internet piracy case.
As we saw, most of the internet users are not fully understand the consequences of illegally download. But past was past, we hope followers can aware of this problem in the future so that we can ensure we will be safe from any internet piracy case.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
[Poll] Week 2 Poll Result Analysis.
Written by
Kang Ching
12:41 AM
After a week of investigation on the question "do you know what is internet piracy?" , 50% of the people who voted choose "Yes" and another 50% of people choose "Know, but dun care". Base on the result I conclude that all the people that voted on this blog know what is internet piracy , but 50% of the people don't seem to care about it. Non of the people voted for "What That" and
"Just know".
Sunday, February 13, 2011
[News] Google Censoring file-sharing website.
Written by
1:21 PM
"It’s taken a while, but Google has finally caved in to pressure from the entertainment industries including the MPAA and RIAA. The search engine now actively censors terms including BitTorrent, torrent, utorrent, RapidShare and Megaupload from its instant and autocomplete services. The reactions from affected companies and services are not mild, with BitTorrent Inc., RapidShare and Vodo all speaking out against this act of commercial censorship."

Entertainment company request to root out piracy on the interest,as resulted in commercial censorship.The famous searh engine "Google",has announced that they will start filtering "piracy related" from it "Autocomplete" and "Instant"(I'm Feeling Lucky) services.
Friday, February 11, 2011
[Info] Side effects of Internet Piracy !!
Written by
Leek Meng
7:39 PM
![]() |
This is what we will become if we were sued for Internet Piracy |
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
[News] Internet Piracy Boosts Anime Sales, Study Concludes
Written by
Kang Ching
11:01 PM
The Japanese Research Institute if Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) has published a study toward the effect of online piracy on the sale and rentals of Japanese Anime. The result was quite shocking.
While the music and movie industry claim that the internet piracy is causing them trouble due to the unauthorized sharing , but on the other side found that the overall effect of internet piracy is actually a positive one.
RIETI has conducted a study base on the effects of YouTube and the popular P2P-network Winny on the DVD sales and rental on the Japanese Anime. The result is estimate of 105 anime was show in YouTube does not negatively affect DVD rentals , but surprisingly it appears to help to raise the DVD sales. Although Winny file sharing have negatively affecting the DVD rentals but it does not show effect on DVD sales.
RIETI has conducted a study base on the effects of YouTube and the popular P2P-network Winny on the DVD sales and rental on the Japanese Anime. The result is estimate of 105 anime was show in YouTube does not negatively affect DVD rentals , but surprisingly it appears to help to raise the DVD sales. Although Winny file sharing have negatively affecting the DVD rentals but it does not show effect on DVD sales.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
[News] VeryCD's saga continues !!
Written by
Leek Meng
7:18 PM
Since September of 2003, VeryCD introduced eMule, which is a open source of downloading into China; since then, there are many internet users had already set VeryCD as a website that share musics, videos, movies, games and more. For some internet users, VeryCD equals to free download. But, these advantages have quickly became a side effect as the website became a main website that involve any internet piracy case.But when BTchina was forced to shut down in 2009, VeryCD quickly changed their website services and removed most of the files that involved internet piracy in it. In 2009, VeryCD changed some function in eMule and this had already caused them the title of "world's top P2P shareware".
Saturday, February 5, 2011
[News] "Avatar" , most downloaded movie in 2010.
Written by
9:58 PM

올해 최다 불법다운 영화는 ‘아바타’
Most illegal downloaded movie , 'Avatar'.
Avatar , a movie directed by James Cameron in 2009 become the top movie that been illegally distribute and downloaded in 2010.
Base on file-sharing news on BBC blog , the Avatar movie file being hosted for illegally distribute in most of the well-known file-sharing site and there were about 1660 million times being download illegally.
Despite Avatar being a top downloaded movie in 2010 , still the movie 'Avatar' hit $2.8billion US dollar Gross revenue and this is the highest gross revenue for movie ever recorded.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
[News] Internet Piracy Crackdown in China
Written by
Kang Ching
4:05 PM
At 24th jan 2011, China has taken actions based on internet piracy toward the well-known download site - VeryCD, .VeryCD works similar to the famous eMule(a famous p2p download tool).
Currently, the VeryCD music channel is forced to closed and the video content is watch through eMule Daquan jump directly to the relevant web page or video site.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
[News] FUNimation sue 1337 torrent user for illegal distribution.
Written by
12:47 PM
Saturday, January 29, 2011
[Info] Introduction !
Written by
Leek Meng
2:24 PM
Before we head in a more detail about Internet piracy, let me talk about what is internet piracy. Internet piracy, the word "piracy", came from the word "pirate", which means people that who snatch things from people's belonging. Piracy here means using certain data that had already owned by someone without any permission. Of course, Internet has many piracy cases in it, The most common thing about a internet piracy case is already happening in our daily life, such as download musics or movies from certain website without buying the original CD or watch at cinema. These are piracy!!
This type of piracy is in one of three major types that involve internet piracy, as we use the data that is protected by copyright. Some other examples for this are essay and software. Second type of Internet piracy involved inventions of people's, which protected by patent law. Last but not least, third type is involving brand-name products, which is protected by trademarks. A more specific explanation about copyright, patent law and trademarks is they have a legal right of protected from being reuse, reproduced, performed, or disseminated without the permission of the owner. Piracy is a major problem especially in this century, which internet and technology are all about.
Why we wanted to download these video/movie/ from website instead of going into cinema to watch the movie, and those video might had a chance of damaging our computer, but why? The reason is very simple, the cost is free. We watch a movie, have to go to cinema and buying ticket, wasting time and money; but, download from website is another thing, we can download the video and we can do something else in the time, that is a great advantage. It's almost impossible to claim " I'm not doing any illegally with piracy issue", but the only thing we can do is to reduce the usage of these website.
URL: eNotes - Internet Piracy Essays and Articles [Online], Retrieved 29 January 2011
This type of piracy is in one of three major types that involve internet piracy, as we use the data that is protected by copyright. Some other examples for this are essay and software. Second type of Internet piracy involved inventions of people's, which protected by patent law. Last but not least, third type is involving brand-name products, which is protected by trademarks. A more specific explanation about copyright, patent law and trademarks is they have a legal right of protected from being reuse, reproduced, performed, or disseminated without the permission of the owner. Piracy is a major problem especially in this century, which internet and technology are all about.
Why we wanted to download these video/movie/ from website instead of going into cinema to watch the movie, and those video might had a chance of damaging our computer, but why? The reason is very simple, the cost is free. We watch a movie, have to go to cinema and buying ticket, wasting time and money; but, download from website is another thing, we can download the video and we can do something else in the time, that is a great advantage. It's almost impossible to claim " I'm not doing any illegally with piracy issue", but the only thing we can do is to reduce the usage of these website.
URL: eNotes - Internet Piracy Essays and Articles [Online], Retrieved 29 January 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
[Info] Welcome to èPiracy Blog ~
Written by
12:58 PM
This is a new blog for our CSC project work.
This blog is all about news and information for internet piracy .
This blog is all about news and information for internet piracy .
We also hope that reader will share your's though and give us feedback.
Reader also can provide information to us .
If have any suggestion/feedback or information you would like to share with us.
Please send to
Thanks you .
If have any suggestion/feedback or information you would like to share with us.
Please send to
Thanks you .
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