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Most illegal downloaded movie , 'Avatar'.
Avatar , a movie directed by James Cameron in 2009 become the top movie that been illegally distribute and downloaded in 2010.
Base on file-sharing news on BBC blog , the Avatar movie file being hosted for illegally distribute in most of the well-known file-sharing site and there were about 1660 million times being download illegally.
Despite Avatar being a top downloaded movie in 2010 , still the movie 'Avatar' hit $2.8billion US dollar Gross revenue and this is the highest gross revenue for movie ever recorded.
Rank 2 , top illegally downloaded movie was : "Kick-Ass" , a film directed by Matthew Vaughn in 2010 , being illegal download 1140 million times and following by "Inception" , 970 million times.
Source :
Based on the article , what do you think about illegal download ?
Ever since the rise of the internet , piracy been happening .
People buy the software / movie and ripped it off and then upload to file-sharing web to illegal distribute .
Ever since the rise of the internet , piracy been happening .
People buy the software / movie and ripped it off and then upload to file-sharing web to illegal distribute .
This causes many company fall and losses due to the piracy .
How will this piracy end ? Or what can you, as a user of internet help prevent piracy?
Share yours thought and comment !
How will this piracy end ? Or what can you, as a user of internet help prevent piracy?
Share yours thought and comment !