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Sunday, February 13, 2011

[News] Google Censoring file-sharing website.

"It’s taken a while, but Google has finally caved in to pressure from the entertainment industries including the MPAA and RIAA. The search engine now actively censors terms including BitTorrent, torrent, utorrent, RapidShare and Megaupload from its instant and autocomplete services. The reactions from affected companies and services are not mild, with BitTorrent Inc., RapidShare and Vodo all speaking out against this act of commercial censorship."

Entertainment company request to root out piracy on the interest,as resulted in commercial censorship.The famous searh engine "Google",has announced that they will start filtering "piracy related" from it "Autocomplete" and "Instant"(I'm Feeling Lucky) services.

Google has removed a list of keyword from the "Autocomplete" without a public notice.However,the censor only apply in the "Autocomplete" and "Instant" service,thus user will still able to searh related stuff using full searh results.

All combination word with "torrent" are banned and also includes tittles of popular film and music albums.

Google’s new “Piracy” filter (no autocomplete)

Most torrent-client software name was also filtered,such as "uTorrent" and "Xunlei",but not "BitComet" and "Vuze" . Some popular file-sharing website also filtered , such as "RapidShare" and "Megaupload".

But what surprising is , not all are banned .Some file-sharing website like "MediaFire","4shared","Hotfile", and "Fileserve" was not included in the banlist.
The popular torrent website , "The Pirate Bay" also not included in the banlist.

Some company that been filtered by Google are not pleased.

“We knew about Google’s plans for quite a few weeks now. We embrace that certain search suggestions will not put a wrong complexion on RapidShare anymore, but we are concerned that at the same time the legitimate interests of our users will also be affected. We believe it was the wrong decision to remove the term ‘RapidShare’ from the search suggestions,” RapidShare told TorrentFreak.

“RapidShare is one of the most popular websites worldwide. Every day hundreds of thousands of users rely on our services to pursue their perfectly legitimate interests. That is why Google has obviously gone too far with censoring the results of its suggest algorithm. A search engine’s results should reflect the users’ interests and not Google’s or anybody else’s,” the company added.

What do you think about Google action ?
Do you think this action will help reduce piracy on the internet?

To me , i dun think this action will help reducing nor prevented internet piracy that currently happening.
Most illegal download user do not need to use searh engine to searh for torrentfile , as they all already know some famous illegal distributor website to download from.

What do you think about it?Share you thought and comment.
